How do you move rooms in fallout shelter
How do you move rooms in fallout shelter

how do you move rooms in fallout shelter

Players playing the Fallout Shelter Online can merge the rooms in the vault to increase the output supply and storage limit. Let’s learn everything in detail and explore all the Fallout Shelter Online tips, “cheats” featured in this walkthrough guide: – Merge Rooms To Increase Output And Capacity⇓ Pre-War Money – you can exchange it to get dwellers from the shop. Nuka-Cola Quantum – premium currency to speed-up construction, buy premium items for example – dwellers’ posters from the shop, etc.

how do you move rooms in fallout shelter how do you move rooms in fallout shelter

Food – use it to level up or train dwellers in the shelter. Electricity – use it to build and upgrade the rooms in the vault. Water – you can use water to level up the perks of dwellers in shooting range. Getting Started In Fallout Shelter Online With Basics⇓įirst things first there are seven main currencies in the game Caps of Nuka-Cola – you can use it on special posts on the map to buy material items such as oil, hammer, lumber, etc. So, let’s check out the Fallout Shelter Online guides and tips: – This Fallout Shelter Online guide covers “how to play” basics, about in-game currencies, “rooms”, dwellers, tips to get stronger, progression, and other things such as vault, attachments, battles, and more. New to the Fallout Shelter Online? Understand all its core concepts with this Fallout Shelter Online guide available with tips, cheats & strategies for beginners 2021 Fallout Shelter Online guide and tips⇓

How do you move rooms in fallout shelter